Amidst the chaotic global scenario of 2020, NY-based duo Laveda released one of the best shoegaze-leaning releases of the past few years. Why “leaning?” Because this band doesn’t exactly offer, the same cookie-cutter sounds you would expect from most bands trying their best My Bloody Valentine or Slowdive impressions. Those aesthetics are all there, but the duo brings something more to the table.
The songs on “What Happens After” aren’t only about texture. The pair strongly focuses on quality songwriting, and the lyrics are relatable and earnest, lending an air of self-awareness and introspection to the album.
From soothing vocal layers to fuzzy wall-of-sound guitar tones and driving beats, this album feels like a compendium of 20 years of indie music, borrowing ingredients from various sources to come up with something unapologetically personal.
Find out more about Laveda and check out this album on Spotify. You can also find the band’s songs on our playlist alongside other shoegaze, dream-pop, and post-punk gems!
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